Monday, June 4, 2007

Lifeblog post

Lifeblog post, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

A drunk man sleeps away as the world around him goes about him in a frenzy

Nature endangered

Nature endangered, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

A lone elephant makes its way through the traffic!!

Lifeblog post

Lifeblog post, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

2 bikes lay fallen due to the heavy winds and winds today

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Nature, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

Sun 27/05/2007 06:46pm My town as seen from a high altitude


Nature, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

Sun 27/05/2007 06:02pm


Nature, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

Sun 27/05/2007 06:01pm Mountains

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Valmiki and Ganapati

Valmiki and Ganapati, originally uploaded by Nishant N Nayak.

Valmiki and Ganapati scripting Mahabharat..

Matunga Sky View

Matunga Sky View, originally uploaded by nayak_nish.

Tue 08-05-2007 15:14 May2007-521 The beautifull endless sky..
Frame caught onboard a fast local near Matunga..

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My post clarifying the issue of Photos alongside Widgets problem..

DJ Deepak-Allah Ke...

My first Experiment with Java Scripts